Sunday, July 22, 2007


MALANG sekali halaman rumah aku tak ada rumput. Semuanya bersimen.


Bikini-Clad Women Mow Lawns in Memphis

By Associated Press

MEMPHIS, Tennesse - One lawn care company is showing a little skin to boost business.

The women of Tiger Time Lawn Care offer to mow customers' lawns dressed in bikinis -- a service that attracts more attention to the ladies than the lawns.

"Oh yeah, they honk and yell. They can do everything you can imagine," said employee Blair Beckman, 21.

Beckman said the extra attention is expected, but she looks on the bright side.

"You get the attention but you also get a tan, which I need," Beckman said.

Owner Lee Cathey said the bikini service makes mowing the lawn a lot more interesting, although the fee is slightly higher.

"The yards definitely get more attention when there's a bikini on the lawn," Cathey said. Some customers sit in lawn chairs and have a beer while watching, he said.

The three-month-old company is looking for a way to expand the service through the end of summer.

"In the fall we'll go pick up leaves in the bikinis if need be," Cathey said.

Cathey said there hasn't been any interest in a male version of the bikini lawn cut.


1 comment:

N a d i a said...

kenape la ada perempuan biorkan diri mereka jadik camtu ye?..heh..camtu kalu...male in spandex mowing my lawn buleh?..phewww...make it red axl's...and yeahhh..long-haired ones, please. auwwww!!...